'Sheetal?' Mr. Roy whispered, astounded.
'Yes. Ms. Sheetal. Aarav's mother. This is Aarav's custody case, so who else did you expect to be here?!' reaffirmed Mr Deshmuk, not apprehending the confusion and shock he read in both Mr Roy and Arnav's faces.
'So you see Mr Roy your client has forced me to be here, for he is trying to steal my son for no apparent reason!' with that she closed the gap from the door to Arnav's chair and glared at him disgustedly. 'So you want the custody of my child, right? May I inquire as to what right you have over his custody?! Why are you trying to take my son away from me?!!'
Arnav just stared at her blankly, all arguments, all coherent thought leaving him. He didn't understand how this could be: Sheetal. Alive. In the flesh. Baring down at him; something that he had wanted for a long time, for he wanted to beg for her forgiveness ever since he had realized his sin, which was long before Khushi stumbled upon the truth. If he was truthful to himself it was from the very day he had taken that step outside of the farmhouse and left Sheetal lying in bed only to wake up and find he had left her. And here she was, finally in front of him and he just gaped at her, not believing what he saw, for he had lost the hope of ever meeting her, as she was supposed to be dead. But then if that was so, how on earth was she standing there, in front of him, fuming at him.
'You're alive?' was all Arnav managed to utter after the long silence that had followed her question, in which she had gotten even more aggravated as he wasn't answering her instead was just staring at her like an imp.
This question caught her off-guard. Out of all the things she had expected, or not expected to come out his mouth, this had not entered her wildest thoughts. Now it was her turn to be taken aback and stare at him incredulously. When she saw in his face that this was a serious question and not some ridiculous joke, she turned to face Mr Roy to understand why his client was asking such an inane question, but to her surprise found the same question reflecting in his eyes. Not understanding she looked towards her own lawyer, who himself was confused by this reaction and just shrugged.
Not understanding their shock, she decided to ignore the question and went onto demand an answer to her own, 'I asked you a question Raizada! Why are you demanding the custody of my child?! Who gave you the right or the authority to file for his custody? Who are you of his to demand such a privilege?!'
But Arnav did not answer. He was still in a state of shock. He was unable to comprehend anything that came out of her mouth, all he managed to muster was, 'How can you be alive? I killed you.'
'Excuse me?!!' she exhaled, completely shocked at his statement. What did he mean he killed her? 'What nonsense is this?' she turned to face Mr Roy and Mr Deshmuk, unable to take Arnav's incompetence in her presence. 'I came here on the understanding that this man wishes to have the custody of my child and now he is babbling on about how I should be dead because he killed me!! I suspected he was not in his right mind when I received the notice regarding Aarav's custody, but I didn't realize he was completely out of his wits!!' exhaled a furious Sheetal.
'Ma'am please calm down. I understand your anger at the situation that has developed here…but please try to understand that we are caught completely off-guard here, we did not expect you to show up here in our wildest dreams, please give us a moment to adjust to the reality we were unaware of.' Uttered Mr Roy in attempt to diffuse the situation that he saw escalating, but it was in vain for his words only infuriated Sheetal more.
'Did not expect me?!!! Did not expect me?!! Who else would you expect to show up here?!! I am Aarav's only parent!! If I won't come who would? It is my child you happen to be stealing from me and you thought I wouldn't come?!! Are you both insane!! Or do you just enjoy wasting people's time with ridiculous cases. For there is no way you can file this case and win. Aarav is my son and no one will have their rights over him, no matter who they are!!' she shot Arnav an ugly look at the last statement.
But he failed to notice as he was reeling, or trying to, reel his way back from the shock of Sheetal still being alive. 'I don't understand, you were dead. I killed you.'
'Oh My God!! I AM NOT DEAD ARNAV!! I AM STANDING HERE IN FRONT OF YOU, ALIVE, BREATHING AND FRANKLY SPEAKING SEVERLY PISSED OFF!!' Shouted Sheetal two inches away from his face, hoping the proximity would finally jolt him out of his shock.
'Yes but how is it possible. You are supposed to be dead, and that too because of me!' spoke up Arnav finally, starting to come around and looking into Sheetal's face hoping to find his answers to the questions that were raiding his mind.
'Uff! My God!!' groaned Sheetal, 'Listen to me Arnav Singh Raizada, this is the last time I am going to say this,' she yanked his collar and pulled his face right in front of hers', forcing him to look into her eyes as her breath heated his face, 'I am alive whether you like it or not. And I will not let you take my baby away from me even if you plead insanity. And frankly speaking this act of insanity will only make my case stronger and your already weak case weaker. Because no jury will give the custody of child to a madman. Besides, they will always favour the mother for custody especially when the child is young. Plus, the fact that you continuously keep on uttering murderous intentions will earn you a prison cell, not my son. Lastly, and most importantly, even if none of these factors were at play you still would not get custody of my son because you have no right over him to ask for his custody so this case is moot as it is!! Now will you tell me what the point of this pointless case is, why are you harassing me and my son, and mind you it better be a good reason or I will not hesitate from suing you for harassment after you lose this case!!' berated Sheetal.
'I am not mad and I certainly do not harbor any murderous intentions.' Stated Arnav as he pulled himself free from her grip: not at all liking the proximity with her.
'No? Could have fooled me. I mean aren't you the one who keeps on stating that you killed me?' Asked Sheetal, quirking her eye-brow. She was beginning to enjoy the discomfort she saw in Arnav's face at finding her so near him.
'I merely meant that I was responsible for your death, not that I had intended to kill you or that I wanted to, but that my actions caused you to take your own life... Or so I heard.' He amended as she clearly was not dead.
'You responsible for my death my?! Oh, please don't flatter yourself Raizada,' snorted Sheetal unable to keep amusement out of her voice, he actually thought his actions would lead her to take her own life, pathetic. 'Please, you mean nothing to me. Your presence in my life was inconsequential, I didn't so much as shed a tear for you and you think I would take my life for you….oh honey, you really have lost your mind! Well all the better for me, as it just makes this case easier and easier for me to win. Oh I'm going to enjoy watching you get humiliated in court for filing such a ridiculous claim. Change of plans Mr Deshmuk I have no intention to settle, I want to take this to court, I want live media coverage so that he can get humiliated in front of the whole world, or at least India. KARMA. Arnav Singh Raizada, K.A.R.M.A – Karma. What goes around certainly does come around: you left me to face humiliation now you will receive the same fate!!' she grimaced at him, enjoying every minute of this turn of events.
'You wouldn't!' Breathed Arnav, fear transparent on his face. But this only added fuel to her agenda,
'Oh yes, I will. What's the matter afraid for your reputation? You should be.' Smirked Sheetal.
'Not for me you fool. I couldn't care less what you did with me, besides I deserve your harsh treatment and humiliation at your hands. But the only reason I wish to caution you is for Aarav. Your son. Our son. Think of him and how this would hurt him.' Pleaded Arnav. The father in him had taken full control, for the man who had never asked anyone for permission in his life, was pleading today, only and only for his son.
Sheetal's smile contorted as Arnav mentioned Aarav's name. 'Don't you dare bring Aarav into this. He is my son, you have no right over him!!' Spat Sheetal in Arnav's face, as she began her threatening advance towards him, signaling to him to keep Aarav out of their conversation. But Arnav couldn't, after all he was what this meeting was all about.
'Look I know I have no right to claim him, after all these years and that he is your son more than mine. And truth to be told I wouldn't even have filed for this case if I had known you were alive. I was under the impression you were dead and that Aarav was parent-less, that is why I filed for his custody, I wanted him to at least have one parent to raise him. But now I know you are alive and there for him so I am relieved that he has a loving parent so I no longer want his custody. However, now that I know I have a son I can't help it Sheetal, I would like to be a part of his life too. Look I am not saying give me sole custody, I would never ask that, it would be wrong on so many levels to you, and I have done you enough wrongs for a lifetime. All I ask is that you allow me to be a part of his life. That you allow his father to be a part of his life. Please.' Pleaded Arnav.
Sheetal stared at him hard, sizing him up, trying to understand the man who stood in front of her. Then a small smile formed on her lips, 'Right and wrong really does not sound right coming from your lips...hmm' she sighed, he was right although, as much as she would have loved to humiliate him in front of everyone, she couldn't do that to Aarav. 'Don't worry I won't take this case to court, because there is no point, what you are asking for is ridiculous, I'm not going to give you any right to be a part of my son's life, '
'But Sheetal-' she cut him off, by raising her hand.
'I wasn't finished Raizada,' she said condescendingly, 'I'm not going to give you any right because you don't need it Arnav. You are not Aarav's father. Thus you see there is no point for you to be fighting this paternity suit because he is not your son. And even if he was I wouldn't want you in his life, but that is beside the point, as you are not and so this case really is null and void.' She concluded.
'But Aarav is my son. How can you say that? Look I know for the past eight years I have not performed any of my fatherly duties, but that was because I had no idea he even existed, I know, not a good enough excuse, but that's just it. It's not an excuse I really did not know if I had I would have assumed my responsibility towards him a long time ago. I know you are angry at me, and you have every right to be, but please don't take away this right of mine, I swear to you I will earn your forgiveness, you will see, I will win your heart over with the way I take care of Aarav. I will. Sheetal I really want to do this.' Beseeched Arnav.
Annoyed, Sheetal retorted, 'What is your problem? Why don't you get it into your thick head, Aarav is not your son, so you have no right over him and I will not extend you any right over him, just because you suddenly wish to be a father. If you so crave to be a father go have your own child, stop stealing mine! I mean didn't you get married recently; have a kid with your own wife, instead of trying to take other people's children!! Or what can your wife not have kids, or maybe you can't.' She added as an afterthought, as she looked him down. 'Look if that's the case then I really can't help you, go consult a doctor or someone in the medical field, instead of trying to gain custody over my kid!'
Arnav felt the anger rise inside of him. He had had enough of Sheetal's rudeness. She didn't used to be like this, time really had changed her, or maybe it was his actions that had turned her sour. Well whatever it was, her being rude to him was one thing, he would allow that as he deserved it, but her being vile towards Khushi he would not accept under any circumstance. No one insulted Khushi in front of him and got away with it. 'Listen, there is no need to get personal here. Your quarrel is with me, there is no need to be bringing my family into this. You have a problem with me, let's sort it out, I am willing to, for I want a chance to know my son, but if you say one more foul thing about my wife, it will be the last thing you say. I don't care if you are a woman, you have no right to say anything about my wife; she did you no wrong!!'
'Ooh, looks like I hit a nerve. So is it your wife than, can she not have kids-' baited Sheetal, enjoying his anger.
'I'm warning you Sheetal…' erupted Arnav.
She just sniggered, 'too bad, you would have had good looking kids too, I saw her picture in the paper with you, a nice looking couple, too bad no children to carry on the Raizada legacy.' Egged on Sheetal bitterly, as the memory of the fantasy she once had harboured flashed before her eyes.
Arnav lunged for her, now loosing complete control over the anger he had been trying to rein in. She moved back as both Mr Roy and Mr Deshmuk intervened and tried to restrain Arnav.
'Mr Raizada, please, please control yourself…' puffed Mr Roy while trying to push Arnav away from Sheetal.
'Ms. Sheetal, please don't aggravate him anymore. Let's just leave, we can convene this meeting another day, both of you are too fiery today.' Cried Mr Deshmuk, as he too helped Mr Roy push Arnav back.
'NO!' both Arnav and Sheetal bellowed.
'I will not give this woman a chance to take my son away from me. She has kept him from me for eight years already, while she has every right to be angry with me she has no right to keep a son away from his father. If I were a bad father then that would make sense, but she has not even given me the chance to be a father and that is not fair. That is why I have filed this case Sheetal, because being Aarav's biological father I do have every right to be a part of his life! And you have very cleverly kept him away from me for the last eight years but no more. A jury may not give me custody but they will see that I have a right over him and will allow me to be a part of his life and that is all I need.'
'Biological what?!!! Now I am completely sure you have lost it. What will it take for me to get it in your head you are not Aarav's father, biological or any other kind!' shouted back Sheetal, getting really frustrated.
'Don't lie to me Sheetal. He is my son and I know it!!'
'He is not!! I am his mother I think I would know who my son's father would be and I do and it's not you!!'
'There is a difference between him not being mine and you not wanting him to be mine. And I know you are opting for the latter because of what I did to you, but I won't let you, because he is my son and I will have my presence in his life!'
'You are not his father anymore than I want you to be his father, Arnav!! I don't know why or how you have become fixated on the idea that Aarav is your son but he is not!'
'Who else's would it be, if not mine Sheetal? Your brother made it very clear that I was responsible for your ruin and that my one night stand lead to your pregnancy. So if not mine then how else would you have gotten pregnant?!' asked Arnav, now red with anger and frustration.
'My brother?!' voiced Sheetal more to herself than Arnav.
'Yes, your brother. Viraj told me.' Stated Arnav, satisfied that she could no longer deny the truth.
Sheetal was staring at Arnav, taking in everything he had said since she had walked, trying to make sense of it all. But things didn't add up why would Viraj tell Arnav, Aarav was his son. Viraj didn't even know anything about Arnav. 'Wait, when did you meet bhai? What did he tell you?' asked Sheetal, wanting the truth now.
'I met him about a month ago and that is when he told me how my actions led to your pregnancy and your death. That day I found out about Aarav and since then I have been distraught at the thought of how my stupidity and irrational behaviour led to such turmoil in your life. I am sorry for everything that I did, more than you will ever know, more than I will ever be able to show.' Whispered Arnav, now more calm than before, as the emotions of the past month re-entered his being.
'And since that day I decided to become a part of Aarav's life, to be present in his at least since I had not been in yours. At that point I believed you to be dead and that is why I filed for custody. Now of course I do not want custody as you have every right to his custody, but I do want to be a part of his life and yours if you will allow me.' Concluded Arnav.
Sheetal slumped into a chair next to her, not believing what she heard. Viraj had told him she was dead!!! Why would he do that? And he told him that Aarav was his son?!! How could he? And what had led him to find out about Arnav, she had never told anyone about Arnav and the night they had shared, she had left that night long behind her. Nothing made sense. She looked up at Arnav, trying to figure out whether he was telling her the truth of if he was making up some story to steal Aarav from her. But his face showed only truth in it. Which made sense for she knew Arnav enough to know that he wouldn't have filed for this case unless he truly believed that Aarav was his son. But why did he believe it? He hated Viraj so how could he trust what he said?
'So…my brother told you and you believed him? That doesn't sound like you. And how can you still believe him Arnav, after seeing me, alive. I mean he told you I was dead, but considering I am sitting here in front of you right now, breathing would show that he lied, so what's to say that he didn't lie about Aarav? I mean how can you be sure he told you the truth when you can see he has already lied to you once.' She wasn't going to lose Aarav that easily and that too to Arnav Singh Raizada. Never mind how much she had wanted that at one point in her life.
'I don't know why he lied about you, that you will have to ask Viraj. But I know he is not lying about Aarav being my son, because I have proof. I'm not an idiot that I will believe anyone without evidence.' Asserted Arnav.
'Proof? What proof?' asked Sheetal, puzzled.
Arnav smirked, he had her now. For how would she refute a DNA test. He opened the folder and took out a scan of the lab report. 'That is just a copy.' He informed in case she thought she could tear it and get rid of the evidence. 'Now how can you deny that Aarav is my son.' Dared Arnav triumphantly.
Sheetal stared at the paper, not believing her eyes. How could this be possible? Aarav was not Arnav's son, she knew that, but then why would this report show that he was? A DNA test never lied. But this one was!! But how was that possible?!! She stared at Arnav and then at the paper and then back at him. Arnav was using this as evidence so he could not have fabricated it. And this was an authentic hospital report, not a fake. She could tell for the logo of the lab embedded in the paper had left it's shadows in the scan, like the way it should if it is authentic.
She sat back down in her chair, not understanding. Something was not right. She stared hard at the report. Something about it was too familiar. And then it clicked and she smiled. 'This isn't the truth someone has fooled you. This report is incorrect.'
Arnav just stared at her, incredulous. Now it was his turn to think she had lost her mind. She was actually refuting a DNA report?!
She laughed seeing the disbelieving expression painted on Arnav's face. 'You think I am crazy for suggesting this test to be incorrect…well that's because you don't know half the truth behind this report. Who gave this report to you anyway? Bhai?'
'No. I would have never believed it if handed it to me. It was my wife. She was the one who took Aarav and my hair sample and gave it for testing.' Said Arnav defensively, unsure as to where she was leading this argument.
'Your wife? Hmmm…that's interesting. Well either you wife has been fooled or she is trying to fool you for some reason. Because this report has been tampered with. And before you go all high and mighty and say that I am lying I will tell you why I say this. I say this because the lab this report comes from is owned by my brother and the doctor who has signed off on it happens to be his partner. Thus you see why I say this report lies, because it is my brother, or well his friend who has written it.'
As this new piece of information hit Arnav, he felt his world crumbling. Out of all the uncertainty and doubt he had faced this past month the one thing he had been sure of was that Aarav was his son. But now even that equilibrium was shifting right beneath his feet and he could do nothing about it. Everything dear to him was slowly being taken away from him. Anjali. Khushi. And now Aarav. He felt light headed as the thought began to dig a grave inside of him: Aarav may not be his son. This had all been a lie. A lie that had taken everything away from him, leaving him standing alone. Alone. Suddenly the dream he had had on the day Khushi left him flashed back in his mind. How he had woken up and run around the house looking for his family, his loved ones only to find they had all left him. Gone without any way of finding them.
He began to feel dizzy and gripped onto the edge of the table in front of him. He cradled his head between his arms, closed his eyes and breathed slowly and deeply, the way Nani had shown him. Steadying himself.
Finally when he felt he was back in control, he forced his mouth open to ask the question that plagued him, 'Why? Why would Viraj do this? Why would he make such an elaborate lie about you and Aarav? He doesn't even know me or what happened between you and me. Or he didn't until I visited him a month back, after I received the DNA report. So why would he create such a disgusting ploy?' asked Arnav, unable to hold back the tremor in his voice.
'That is a very good question and I have been wondering the same thing ever since you mentioned my brother's name. But it is a question only he can answer, so I think it is time to call a very key person to this meeting, who has been missing up until now, to fill in the gaps and sort out this quarrel once and for all.' With that she opened the flap of her phone and dialed Viraj's number, as Arnav and the two lawyers watched.
'Yes. Ms. Sheetal. Aarav's mother. This is Aarav's custody case, so who else did you expect to be here?!' reaffirmed Mr Deshmuk, not apprehending the confusion and shock he read in both Mr Roy and Arnav's faces.
'So you see Mr Roy your client has forced me to be here, for he is trying to steal my son for no apparent reason!' with that she closed the gap from the door to Arnav's chair and glared at him disgustedly. 'So you want the custody of my child, right? May I inquire as to what right you have over his custody?! Why are you trying to take my son away from me?!!'
Arnav just stared at her blankly, all arguments, all coherent thought leaving him. He didn't understand how this could be: Sheetal. Alive. In the flesh. Baring down at him; something that he had wanted for a long time, for he wanted to beg for her forgiveness ever since he had realized his sin, which was long before Khushi stumbled upon the truth. If he was truthful to himself it was from the very day he had taken that step outside of the farmhouse and left Sheetal lying in bed only to wake up and find he had left her. And here she was, finally in front of him and he just gaped at her, not believing what he saw, for he had lost the hope of ever meeting her, as she was supposed to be dead. But then if that was so, how on earth was she standing there, in front of him, fuming at him.
'You're alive?' was all Arnav managed to utter after the long silence that had followed her question, in which she had gotten even more aggravated as he wasn't answering her instead was just staring at her like an imp.
This question caught her off-guard. Out of all the things she had expected, or not expected to come out his mouth, this had not entered her wildest thoughts. Now it was her turn to be taken aback and stare at him incredulously. When she saw in his face that this was a serious question and not some ridiculous joke, she turned to face Mr Roy to understand why his client was asking such an inane question, but to her surprise found the same question reflecting in his eyes. Not understanding she looked towards her own lawyer, who himself was confused by this reaction and just shrugged.
Not understanding their shock, she decided to ignore the question and went onto demand an answer to her own, 'I asked you a question Raizada! Why are you demanding the custody of my child?! Who gave you the right or the authority to file for his custody? Who are you of his to demand such a privilege?!'
But Arnav did not answer. He was still in a state of shock. He was unable to comprehend anything that came out of her mouth, all he managed to muster was, 'How can you be alive? I killed you.'
'Excuse me?!!' she exhaled, completely shocked at his statement. What did he mean he killed her? 'What nonsense is this?' she turned to face Mr Roy and Mr Deshmuk, unable to take Arnav's incompetence in her presence. 'I came here on the understanding that this man wishes to have the custody of my child and now he is babbling on about how I should be dead because he killed me!! I suspected he was not in his right mind when I received the notice regarding Aarav's custody, but I didn't realize he was completely out of his wits!!' exhaled a furious Sheetal.
'Ma'am please calm down. I understand your anger at the situation that has developed here…but please try to understand that we are caught completely off-guard here, we did not expect you to show up here in our wildest dreams, please give us a moment to adjust to the reality we were unaware of.' Uttered Mr Roy in attempt to diffuse the situation that he saw escalating, but it was in vain for his words only infuriated Sheetal more.
'Did not expect me?!!! Did not expect me?!! Who else would you expect to show up here?!! I am Aarav's only parent!! If I won't come who would? It is my child you happen to be stealing from me and you thought I wouldn't come?!! Are you both insane!! Or do you just enjoy wasting people's time with ridiculous cases. For there is no way you can file this case and win. Aarav is my son and no one will have their rights over him, no matter who they are!!' she shot Arnav an ugly look at the last statement.
But he failed to notice as he was reeling, or trying to, reel his way back from the shock of Sheetal still being alive. 'I don't understand, you were dead. I killed you.'
'Oh My God!! I AM NOT DEAD ARNAV!! I AM STANDING HERE IN FRONT OF YOU, ALIVE, BREATHING AND FRANKLY SPEAKING SEVERLY PISSED OFF!!' Shouted Sheetal two inches away from his face, hoping the proximity would finally jolt him out of his shock.
'Yes but how is it possible. You are supposed to be dead, and that too because of me!' spoke up Arnav finally, starting to come around and looking into Sheetal's face hoping to find his answers to the questions that were raiding his mind.
'Uff! My God!!' groaned Sheetal, 'Listen to me Arnav Singh Raizada, this is the last time I am going to say this,' she yanked his collar and pulled his face right in front of hers', forcing him to look into her eyes as her breath heated his face, 'I am alive whether you like it or not. And I will not let you take my baby away from me even if you plead insanity. And frankly speaking this act of insanity will only make my case stronger and your already weak case weaker. Because no jury will give the custody of child to a madman. Besides, they will always favour the mother for custody especially when the child is young. Plus, the fact that you continuously keep on uttering murderous intentions will earn you a prison cell, not my son. Lastly, and most importantly, even if none of these factors were at play you still would not get custody of my son because you have no right over him to ask for his custody so this case is moot as it is!! Now will you tell me what the point of this pointless case is, why are you harassing me and my son, and mind you it better be a good reason or I will not hesitate from suing you for harassment after you lose this case!!' berated Sheetal.
'I am not mad and I certainly do not harbor any murderous intentions.' Stated Arnav as he pulled himself free from her grip: not at all liking the proximity with her.
'No? Could have fooled me. I mean aren't you the one who keeps on stating that you killed me?' Asked Sheetal, quirking her eye-brow. She was beginning to enjoy the discomfort she saw in Arnav's face at finding her so near him.
'I merely meant that I was responsible for your death, not that I had intended to kill you or that I wanted to, but that my actions caused you to take your own life... Or so I heard.' He amended as she clearly was not dead.
'You responsible for my death my?! Oh, please don't flatter yourself Raizada,' snorted Sheetal unable to keep amusement out of her voice, he actually thought his actions would lead her to take her own life, pathetic. 'Please, you mean nothing to me. Your presence in my life was inconsequential, I didn't so much as shed a tear for you and you think I would take my life for you….oh honey, you really have lost your mind! Well all the better for me, as it just makes this case easier and easier for me to win. Oh I'm going to enjoy watching you get humiliated in court for filing such a ridiculous claim. Change of plans Mr Deshmuk I have no intention to settle, I want to take this to court, I want live media coverage so that he can get humiliated in front of the whole world, or at least India. KARMA. Arnav Singh Raizada, K.A.R.M.A – Karma. What goes around certainly does come around: you left me to face humiliation now you will receive the same fate!!' she grimaced at him, enjoying every minute of this turn of events.
'You wouldn't!' Breathed Arnav, fear transparent on his face. But this only added fuel to her agenda,
'Oh yes, I will. What's the matter afraid for your reputation? You should be.' Smirked Sheetal.
'Not for me you fool. I couldn't care less what you did with me, besides I deserve your harsh treatment and humiliation at your hands. But the only reason I wish to caution you is for Aarav. Your son. Our son. Think of him and how this would hurt him.' Pleaded Arnav. The father in him had taken full control, for the man who had never asked anyone for permission in his life, was pleading today, only and only for his son.
Sheetal's smile contorted as Arnav mentioned Aarav's name. 'Don't you dare bring Aarav into this. He is my son, you have no right over him!!' Spat Sheetal in Arnav's face, as she began her threatening advance towards him, signaling to him to keep Aarav out of their conversation. But Arnav couldn't, after all he was what this meeting was all about.
'Look I know I have no right to claim him, after all these years and that he is your son more than mine. And truth to be told I wouldn't even have filed for this case if I had known you were alive. I was under the impression you were dead and that Aarav was parent-less, that is why I filed for his custody, I wanted him to at least have one parent to raise him. But now I know you are alive and there for him so I am relieved that he has a loving parent so I no longer want his custody. However, now that I know I have a son I can't help it Sheetal, I would like to be a part of his life too. Look I am not saying give me sole custody, I would never ask that, it would be wrong on so many levels to you, and I have done you enough wrongs for a lifetime. All I ask is that you allow me to be a part of his life. That you allow his father to be a part of his life. Please.' Pleaded Arnav.
Sheetal stared at him hard, sizing him up, trying to understand the man who stood in front of her. Then a small smile formed on her lips, 'Right and wrong really does not sound right coming from your lips...hmm' she sighed, he was right although, as much as she would have loved to humiliate him in front of everyone, she couldn't do that to Aarav. 'Don't worry I won't take this case to court, because there is no point, what you are asking for is ridiculous, I'm not going to give you any right to be a part of my son's life, '
'But Sheetal-' she cut him off, by raising her hand.
'I wasn't finished Raizada,' she said condescendingly, 'I'm not going to give you any right because you don't need it Arnav. You are not Aarav's father. Thus you see there is no point for you to be fighting this paternity suit because he is not your son. And even if he was I wouldn't want you in his life, but that is beside the point, as you are not and so this case really is null and void.' She concluded.
'But Aarav is my son. How can you say that? Look I know for the past eight years I have not performed any of my fatherly duties, but that was because I had no idea he even existed, I know, not a good enough excuse, but that's just it. It's not an excuse I really did not know if I had I would have assumed my responsibility towards him a long time ago. I know you are angry at me, and you have every right to be, but please don't take away this right of mine, I swear to you I will earn your forgiveness, you will see, I will win your heart over with the way I take care of Aarav. I will. Sheetal I really want to do this.' Beseeched Arnav.
Annoyed, Sheetal retorted, 'What is your problem? Why don't you get it into your thick head, Aarav is not your son, so you have no right over him and I will not extend you any right over him, just because you suddenly wish to be a father. If you so crave to be a father go have your own child, stop stealing mine! I mean didn't you get married recently; have a kid with your own wife, instead of trying to take other people's children!! Or what can your wife not have kids, or maybe you can't.' She added as an afterthought, as she looked him down. 'Look if that's the case then I really can't help you, go consult a doctor or someone in the medical field, instead of trying to gain custody over my kid!'
Arnav felt the anger rise inside of him. He had had enough of Sheetal's rudeness. She didn't used to be like this, time really had changed her, or maybe it was his actions that had turned her sour. Well whatever it was, her being rude to him was one thing, he would allow that as he deserved it, but her being vile towards Khushi he would not accept under any circumstance. No one insulted Khushi in front of him and got away with it. 'Listen, there is no need to get personal here. Your quarrel is with me, there is no need to be bringing my family into this. You have a problem with me, let's sort it out, I am willing to, for I want a chance to know my son, but if you say one more foul thing about my wife, it will be the last thing you say. I don't care if you are a woman, you have no right to say anything about my wife; she did you no wrong!!'
'Ooh, looks like I hit a nerve. So is it your wife than, can she not have kids-' baited Sheetal, enjoying his anger.
'I'm warning you Sheetal…' erupted Arnav.
She just sniggered, 'too bad, you would have had good looking kids too, I saw her picture in the paper with you, a nice looking couple, too bad no children to carry on the Raizada legacy.' Egged on Sheetal bitterly, as the memory of the fantasy she once had harboured flashed before her eyes.
Arnav lunged for her, now loosing complete control over the anger he had been trying to rein in. She moved back as both Mr Roy and Mr Deshmuk intervened and tried to restrain Arnav.
'Mr Raizada, please, please control yourself…' puffed Mr Roy while trying to push Arnav away from Sheetal.
'Ms. Sheetal, please don't aggravate him anymore. Let's just leave, we can convene this meeting another day, both of you are too fiery today.' Cried Mr Deshmuk, as he too helped Mr Roy push Arnav back.
'NO!' both Arnav and Sheetal bellowed.
'I will not give this woman a chance to take my son away from me. She has kept him from me for eight years already, while she has every right to be angry with me she has no right to keep a son away from his father. If I were a bad father then that would make sense, but she has not even given me the chance to be a father and that is not fair. That is why I have filed this case Sheetal, because being Aarav's biological father I do have every right to be a part of his life! And you have very cleverly kept him away from me for the last eight years but no more. A jury may not give me custody but they will see that I have a right over him and will allow me to be a part of his life and that is all I need.'
'Biological what?!!! Now I am completely sure you have lost it. What will it take for me to get it in your head you are not Aarav's father, biological or any other kind!' shouted back Sheetal, getting really frustrated.
'Don't lie to me Sheetal. He is my son and I know it!!'
'He is not!! I am his mother I think I would know who my son's father would be and I do and it's not you!!'
'There is a difference between him not being mine and you not wanting him to be mine. And I know you are opting for the latter because of what I did to you, but I won't let you, because he is my son and I will have my presence in his life!'
'You are not his father anymore than I want you to be his father, Arnav!! I don't know why or how you have become fixated on the idea that Aarav is your son but he is not!'
'Who else's would it be, if not mine Sheetal? Your brother made it very clear that I was responsible for your ruin and that my one night stand lead to your pregnancy. So if not mine then how else would you have gotten pregnant?!' asked Arnav, now red with anger and frustration.
'My brother?!' voiced Sheetal more to herself than Arnav.
'Yes, your brother. Viraj told me.' Stated Arnav, satisfied that she could no longer deny the truth.
Sheetal was staring at Arnav, taking in everything he had said since she had walked, trying to make sense of it all. But things didn't add up why would Viraj tell Arnav, Aarav was his son. Viraj didn't even know anything about Arnav. 'Wait, when did you meet bhai? What did he tell you?' asked Sheetal, wanting the truth now.
'I met him about a month ago and that is when he told me how my actions led to your pregnancy and your death. That day I found out about Aarav and since then I have been distraught at the thought of how my stupidity and irrational behaviour led to such turmoil in your life. I am sorry for everything that I did, more than you will ever know, more than I will ever be able to show.' Whispered Arnav, now more calm than before, as the emotions of the past month re-entered his being.
'And since that day I decided to become a part of Aarav's life, to be present in his at least since I had not been in yours. At that point I believed you to be dead and that is why I filed for custody. Now of course I do not want custody as you have every right to his custody, but I do want to be a part of his life and yours if you will allow me.' Concluded Arnav.
Sheetal slumped into a chair next to her, not believing what she heard. Viraj had told him she was dead!!! Why would he do that? And he told him that Aarav was his son?!! How could he? And what had led him to find out about Arnav, she had never told anyone about Arnav and the night they had shared, she had left that night long behind her. Nothing made sense. She looked up at Arnav, trying to figure out whether he was telling her the truth of if he was making up some story to steal Aarav from her. But his face showed only truth in it. Which made sense for she knew Arnav enough to know that he wouldn't have filed for this case unless he truly believed that Aarav was his son. But why did he believe it? He hated Viraj so how could he trust what he said?
'So…my brother told you and you believed him? That doesn't sound like you. And how can you still believe him Arnav, after seeing me, alive. I mean he told you I was dead, but considering I am sitting here in front of you right now, breathing would show that he lied, so what's to say that he didn't lie about Aarav? I mean how can you be sure he told you the truth when you can see he has already lied to you once.' She wasn't going to lose Aarav that easily and that too to Arnav Singh Raizada. Never mind how much she had wanted that at one point in her life.
'I don't know why he lied about you, that you will have to ask Viraj. But I know he is not lying about Aarav being my son, because I have proof. I'm not an idiot that I will believe anyone without evidence.' Asserted Arnav.
'Proof? What proof?' asked Sheetal, puzzled.
Arnav smirked, he had her now. For how would she refute a DNA test. He opened the folder and took out a scan of the lab report. 'That is just a copy.' He informed in case she thought she could tear it and get rid of the evidence. 'Now how can you deny that Aarav is my son.' Dared Arnav triumphantly.
Sheetal stared at the paper, not believing her eyes. How could this be possible? Aarav was not Arnav's son, she knew that, but then why would this report show that he was? A DNA test never lied. But this one was!! But how was that possible?!! She stared at Arnav and then at the paper and then back at him. Arnav was using this as evidence so he could not have fabricated it. And this was an authentic hospital report, not a fake. She could tell for the logo of the lab embedded in the paper had left it's shadows in the scan, like the way it should if it is authentic.
She sat back down in her chair, not understanding. Something was not right. She stared hard at the report. Something about it was too familiar. And then it clicked and she smiled. 'This isn't the truth someone has fooled you. This report is incorrect.'
Arnav just stared at her, incredulous. Now it was his turn to think she had lost her mind. She was actually refuting a DNA report?!
She laughed seeing the disbelieving expression painted on Arnav's face. 'You think I am crazy for suggesting this test to be incorrect…well that's because you don't know half the truth behind this report. Who gave this report to you anyway? Bhai?'
'No. I would have never believed it if handed it to me. It was my wife. She was the one who took Aarav and my hair sample and gave it for testing.' Said Arnav defensively, unsure as to where she was leading this argument.
'Your wife? Hmmm…that's interesting. Well either you wife has been fooled or she is trying to fool you for some reason. Because this report has been tampered with. And before you go all high and mighty and say that I am lying I will tell you why I say this. I say this because the lab this report comes from is owned by my brother and the doctor who has signed off on it happens to be his partner. Thus you see why I say this report lies, because it is my brother, or well his friend who has written it.'
As this new piece of information hit Arnav, he felt his world crumbling. Out of all the uncertainty and doubt he had faced this past month the one thing he had been sure of was that Aarav was his son. But now even that equilibrium was shifting right beneath his feet and he could do nothing about it. Everything dear to him was slowly being taken away from him. Anjali. Khushi. And now Aarav. He felt light headed as the thought began to dig a grave inside of him: Aarav may not be his son. This had all been a lie. A lie that had taken everything away from him, leaving him standing alone. Alone. Suddenly the dream he had had on the day Khushi left him flashed back in his mind. How he had woken up and run around the house looking for his family, his loved ones only to find they had all left him. Gone without any way of finding them.
He began to feel dizzy and gripped onto the edge of the table in front of him. He cradled his head between his arms, closed his eyes and breathed slowly and deeply, the way Nani had shown him. Steadying himself.
Finally when he felt he was back in control, he forced his mouth open to ask the question that plagued him, 'Why? Why would Viraj do this? Why would he make such an elaborate lie about you and Aarav? He doesn't even know me or what happened between you and me. Or he didn't until I visited him a month back, after I received the DNA report. So why would he create such a disgusting ploy?' asked Arnav, unable to hold back the tremor in his voice.
'That is a very good question and I have been wondering the same thing ever since you mentioned my brother's name. But it is a question only he can answer, so I think it is time to call a very key person to this meeting, who has been missing up until now, to fill in the gaps and sort out this quarrel once and for all.' With that she opened the flap of her phone and dialed Viraj's number, as Arnav and the two lawyers watched.