‘You can put me down now, you know.’ She mumbled as he continued carrying her down the corridor and across the lounge, which she had pranced about in like a Sardar just the previous night.
‘Yeah, I could.’ He mused, ‘But doesn’t mean I have to.’ He related with his devious smile.
She glowed red once more, but this time did not shy away, ‘So what? You will keep me in your arms all night then?’ she asked without thinking.
‘Not a bad idea Mrs Raizada.’ He replied as her eyes widened in shock at the insinuation he had drawn from her ill-worded comment. He chuckled gleefully as he butted the door to their room and entered.
They both stared at the spacious penthouse bedroom, which had a glass wall that overlooked Lucknow, and off-white curtains that could be drawn to cover it for privacy. On the opposite end of the room stood a series of white translucent slide doors which led the way to the walk-in wardrobe and ensuite. A lush cream carpet covered the floor and in the centre sat a circular king-sized white floor-bed which had a strip of mood-light lining the back-head of the bed. On the sides of the bed stood two white round side tables, both holding a cream vase with fresh red roses that filled the room with their soft sweet smell.
Arnav felt Khushi’s hold on him strengthen as her breathing became labored again, in anticipation of what was to come, while he felt a sudden calmness enter his body. He slowly placed her feet back onto the floor, but kept his hand wrapped around her waist. He turned her towards him and she clutched the folds of his tailored black blazer, keeping her gaze lowered. He caringly slid his right hand up her arm and made it come to a rest behind her neck, just like he had done in the elevator, however, this time instead of lifting her head he leaned in and kissed the top her forehead and then whispered softly,
‘Khushi, I love you and I want you to know that this is the happiest day in my life because today…today I have you by my side, as my partner, my companion, my friend and my love, for life.’ His voice cracked with emotion and she looked up to find tears in his eyes. She raised her hand and brushed it out of his eyes with the lightest touch of her fingers.
‘Arnav ji…’ she began, her voice filled with emotion too.
‘Khushi,’ He gave her a watery smile, ‘I just….I…you know me, you know I am no good with words and today I – today when it is the first day of our lives together I just want you to know and remember one thing from this day onwards, that I love you so much Khushi. Words will never be able to express what it is that I feel in my heart for you so I just want you to know that I…’ he struggled to explain to her what he desperately wished for her to know.
‘Sshh, Arnav ji. I know. I know, expressing your emotions are not necessarily your strong suit, but you don’t have to worry Anrav ji, I know, I know how much you love me and so I know no matter what, no matter how many fights we have, because of course we will have them, we won’t be us if we didn’t,’ she smiled knowingly, ‘I will always know and will always remember that you love me even if you don’t say it. Because Arnav ji….I love you too….damn-it. Just as much.’ She winked, making him smile.
He wiped her tears away, as she did his and then took her hand in his and walked towards the ensuite and opened the door to let her in to change as he walked out of it with his pyjamas (that looked more like a casual evening dress than bed-ware, Khushi mused to herself) closing the door behind him to give her privacy to change, while he changed outside in the room.
When she walked out of the walk-in closet she found his tuxedo in a hanger, neatly laying on top of a white armchair which she had not noticed previously, as she had been in his arms and the door to the room had blocked the two white armchairs, plus coffee table that sat to the side of the door. She looked around the room to find Arnav with his back to her on the other side of the room looking out at Lucknow, only his stance told her that he may be facing the window but he was not looking at anything outside, instead was in some deep contemplation and she suspected it had to do with the same reason she found the butterflies, that had formed a permanent nest in her abdominal region this past month, now awoke once more to send waves of excitement throughout her body.
Taking a deep breath she walked over to him and nervously slipped her trembling hand inside his soft, safe, and steady one. He squeezed it and she returned the pressure, but neither looked at each other for the moment, trying to collect themselves. Then he slowly turned towards her and she saw apprehension in his chocolate brown eyes alongside the nervouseness. She questioned him with her own caramel ones’.
‘Khushi…’ he started, then deliberated, trying to think of a way to say what was on his mind without offending her, ‘Khushi I, uh…I just…ummm.’
‘Yes Arnav ji.’ She encouraged.
‘I…umm…there is something I did. I umm, deliberately set something in motion without telling you and I wanted it to remain that way, but now as we start our life together, I cannot begin it without being completely honest with you because I know you value that above anything and that is one thing I value above anything too, so I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t tell you. I just….I want you to know before I tell you what it is, that the only reason I hid it from you was because I was afraid that it may cause you to remember things you did not wish to remember, but, and I know tonight is probably the worst night to bring this up, but I cannot start a life with you without you knowing the truth. Khushi, do you remember that day, last week when you came into LaANK and found me with my hand bleeding…’ he began and Khushi now understood what it was that Arnav was finding difficult to tell her. She smiled and put a finger on his lips much to his confusion.
‘Arnav ji, if you are referring to the “vermin” you got visited by that day and the call you took to take care of him after I left, resulting in his prison sentence on Friday, then you do not have to tell me anything about it, because I already know everything, I heard it all in the office.’ She beamed at him proudly, whilst Arnav stared at her in shock, unsure of how to react. She knew! And she didn’t say anything?!! It had baffled him at how she could not have seen or heard what had taken place that day, but had thanked his lucky stars or whatever entity was out there, despite his disbelief in them, for somehow making her miss it all. But, now, with this confession of hers, things made more sense: she had seen but had chosen to stay quiet. Why? That was not like her!
‘Hehe…’ she chuckled softly, as she once again slipped her hand inside his, understanding his bafflement, ‘You’re wondering how I am so calm about all of this. I wondered that too, the whole ride on the train to Lucknow I thought to myself, that I had seen that man, I had heard what you had done to avenge me and yet not only had I not said anything to you but I was calm about it all. Ok with it, even. Well I am still not sure how, but I know it has to do with you Arnav ji. It has to do with the fact that you are in my life. That you have showered so much of your love on me that all those bad memories no longer hurt me, because like you said last night all of those things led me right here to this moment, where my DM gifted you to me, to tell me she still very much loves me, as much as she loves you, even if you think she doesn’t.’
‘Oh I have no doubt she does, not after this conversation Khushi.’ He choked out surprising her and himself in his admission of finding faith in religion once more. It was true ever since he had let Khushi into his life, she had slowly helped him heal and find harmony with religion once more. The battle that had begun with him against DM had diffused due to Khushi.
Unable to contain her happiness, she bound into his arms, hugging him tightly as he hugged her back. After a while he pulled out slightly and cupped her face. ‘Khushi, I….I just want to say that I know this night holds with it a lot of expectations and pressure, but Khushi I don’t want to do anything that you may not be comfortable with, I know that with everything you have been through, you-‘ she silenced him with her lips, sending waves of electricity pulsing through his entire body, then turned red and buried her head in his chest from where she said in a muffled voice.
‘Arnav ji, as I said before, it’s ok, I’m ok. You don’t need to worry about me. It is like you said yourself: I will marry you with my own will and accept and confess my love before that, because your love will compel me too, as it did. Arnav ji I am here, I am with you, because I want to be. I love you as you do me and that is the one truth I am never going to shy away from ever again.’
Arnav lips broke into a smile, she truly was his and he hers’. Anjali and Nani had been right, all they had needed to do was give love a chance. They had been scorned and scarred by what they had believed was love causing them to distrust it instead of actually giving it a chance, now that they had they were both healed and whole.
Taking her hand in his they walked over to the bed where he sat her down and then leaned on top of her to dim the lights on the mood-board behind. Then sitting down beside her he took both her hands in his and turned towards her to show her just how much he loved her.
‘Yeah, I could.’ He mused, ‘But doesn’t mean I have to.’ He related with his devious smile.
She glowed red once more, but this time did not shy away, ‘So what? You will keep me in your arms all night then?’ she asked without thinking.
‘Not a bad idea Mrs Raizada.’ He replied as her eyes widened in shock at the insinuation he had drawn from her ill-worded comment. He chuckled gleefully as he butted the door to their room and entered.
They both stared at the spacious penthouse bedroom, which had a glass wall that overlooked Lucknow, and off-white curtains that could be drawn to cover it for privacy. On the opposite end of the room stood a series of white translucent slide doors which led the way to the walk-in wardrobe and ensuite. A lush cream carpet covered the floor and in the centre sat a circular king-sized white floor-bed which had a strip of mood-light lining the back-head of the bed. On the sides of the bed stood two white round side tables, both holding a cream vase with fresh red roses that filled the room with their soft sweet smell.
Arnav felt Khushi’s hold on him strengthen as her breathing became labored again, in anticipation of what was to come, while he felt a sudden calmness enter his body. He slowly placed her feet back onto the floor, but kept his hand wrapped around her waist. He turned her towards him and she clutched the folds of his tailored black blazer, keeping her gaze lowered. He caringly slid his right hand up her arm and made it come to a rest behind her neck, just like he had done in the elevator, however, this time instead of lifting her head he leaned in and kissed the top her forehead and then whispered softly,
‘Khushi, I love you and I want you to know that this is the happiest day in my life because today…today I have you by my side, as my partner, my companion, my friend and my love, for life.’ His voice cracked with emotion and she looked up to find tears in his eyes. She raised her hand and brushed it out of his eyes with the lightest touch of her fingers.
‘Arnav ji…’ she began, her voice filled with emotion too.
‘Khushi,’ He gave her a watery smile, ‘I just….I…you know me, you know I am no good with words and today I – today when it is the first day of our lives together I just want you to know and remember one thing from this day onwards, that I love you so much Khushi. Words will never be able to express what it is that I feel in my heart for you so I just want you to know that I…’ he struggled to explain to her what he desperately wished for her to know.
‘Sshh, Arnav ji. I know. I know, expressing your emotions are not necessarily your strong suit, but you don’t have to worry Anrav ji, I know, I know how much you love me and so I know no matter what, no matter how many fights we have, because of course we will have them, we won’t be us if we didn’t,’ she smiled knowingly, ‘I will always know and will always remember that you love me even if you don’t say it. Because Arnav ji….I love you too….damn-it. Just as much.’ She winked, making him smile.
He wiped her tears away, as she did his and then took her hand in his and walked towards the ensuite and opened the door to let her in to change as he walked out of it with his pyjamas (that looked more like a casual evening dress than bed-ware, Khushi mused to herself) closing the door behind him to give her privacy to change, while he changed outside in the room.
When she walked out of the walk-in closet she found his tuxedo in a hanger, neatly laying on top of a white armchair which she had not noticed previously, as she had been in his arms and the door to the room had blocked the two white armchairs, plus coffee table that sat to the side of the door. She looked around the room to find Arnav with his back to her on the other side of the room looking out at Lucknow, only his stance told her that he may be facing the window but he was not looking at anything outside, instead was in some deep contemplation and she suspected it had to do with the same reason she found the butterflies, that had formed a permanent nest in her abdominal region this past month, now awoke once more to send waves of excitement throughout her body.
Taking a deep breath she walked over to him and nervously slipped her trembling hand inside his soft, safe, and steady one. He squeezed it and she returned the pressure, but neither looked at each other for the moment, trying to collect themselves. Then he slowly turned towards her and she saw apprehension in his chocolate brown eyes alongside the nervouseness. She questioned him with her own caramel ones’.
‘Khushi…’ he started, then deliberated, trying to think of a way to say what was on his mind without offending her, ‘Khushi I, uh…I just…ummm.’
‘Yes Arnav ji.’ She encouraged.
‘I…umm…there is something I did. I umm, deliberately set something in motion without telling you and I wanted it to remain that way, but now as we start our life together, I cannot begin it without being completely honest with you because I know you value that above anything and that is one thing I value above anything too, so I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t tell you. I just….I want you to know before I tell you what it is, that the only reason I hid it from you was because I was afraid that it may cause you to remember things you did not wish to remember, but, and I know tonight is probably the worst night to bring this up, but I cannot start a life with you without you knowing the truth. Khushi, do you remember that day, last week when you came into LaANK and found me with my hand bleeding…’ he began and Khushi now understood what it was that Arnav was finding difficult to tell her. She smiled and put a finger on his lips much to his confusion.
‘Arnav ji, if you are referring to the “vermin” you got visited by that day and the call you took to take care of him after I left, resulting in his prison sentence on Friday, then you do not have to tell me anything about it, because I already know everything, I heard it all in the office.’ She beamed at him proudly, whilst Arnav stared at her in shock, unsure of how to react. She knew! And she didn’t say anything?!! It had baffled him at how she could not have seen or heard what had taken place that day, but had thanked his lucky stars or whatever entity was out there, despite his disbelief in them, for somehow making her miss it all. But, now, with this confession of hers, things made more sense: she had seen but had chosen to stay quiet. Why? That was not like her!
‘Hehe…’ she chuckled softly, as she once again slipped her hand inside his, understanding his bafflement, ‘You’re wondering how I am so calm about all of this. I wondered that too, the whole ride on the train to Lucknow I thought to myself, that I had seen that man, I had heard what you had done to avenge me and yet not only had I not said anything to you but I was calm about it all. Ok with it, even. Well I am still not sure how, but I know it has to do with you Arnav ji. It has to do with the fact that you are in my life. That you have showered so much of your love on me that all those bad memories no longer hurt me, because like you said last night all of those things led me right here to this moment, where my DM gifted you to me, to tell me she still very much loves me, as much as she loves you, even if you think she doesn’t.’
‘Oh I have no doubt she does, not after this conversation Khushi.’ He choked out surprising her and himself in his admission of finding faith in religion once more. It was true ever since he had let Khushi into his life, she had slowly helped him heal and find harmony with religion once more. The battle that had begun with him against DM had diffused due to Khushi.
Unable to contain her happiness, she bound into his arms, hugging him tightly as he hugged her back. After a while he pulled out slightly and cupped her face. ‘Khushi, I….I just want to say that I know this night holds with it a lot of expectations and pressure, but Khushi I don’t want to do anything that you may not be comfortable with, I know that with everything you have been through, you-‘ she silenced him with her lips, sending waves of electricity pulsing through his entire body, then turned red and buried her head in his chest from where she said in a muffled voice.
‘Arnav ji, as I said before, it’s ok, I’m ok. You don’t need to worry about me. It is like you said yourself: I will marry you with my own will and accept and confess my love before that, because your love will compel me too, as it did. Arnav ji I am here, I am with you, because I want to be. I love you as you do me and that is the one truth I am never going to shy away from ever again.’
Arnav lips broke into a smile, she truly was his and he hers’. Anjali and Nani had been right, all they had needed to do was give love a chance. They had been scorned and scarred by what they had believed was love causing them to distrust it instead of actually giving it a chance, now that they had they were both healed and whole.
Taking her hand in his they walked over to the bed where he sat her down and then leaned on top of her to dim the lights on the mood-board behind. Then sitting down beside her he took both her hands in his and turned towards her to show her just how much he loved her.
My Dear Readers,
Those of you who have journeyed with Arnav and Khushi in my fan fiction here and stuck it out till the end a sincere, heartfelt thank you to you all! A writer is nothing without its' readers and so I am truly grateful to you all for giving my fan fiction a chance (pun intended ;)) It has happened only due to you all.
But my biggest gratitude is to those readers who have stuck it out with me from the beginning, it could not have been easy, I know, considering after the initial updates I disappeared for a long, long time and I cannot apologise enough to you all who have returned to finish the final chapters of this fan fiction, because I indeed failed you guys, in promising to update and complete this story soon, I did not manage to and left you all hanging. As an avid reader myself, I understand the frustration of an unfinished story well and I unwillingly did that, I am very much your criminal and I apologise for it, for keeping you from the ending this long (7 years if my maths is correct) my deepest apologies to you all. What happened? Why it took me so long? Are questions I really don't have answers to, all I can say is life happened and my writing unfortunately had to take a back seat, and rot in guilt there until now when I finally managed to come back, finish and update it all.
I hope you found this story enjoyable and if not please let me know, criticisms are always welcome as they tell me where I need to improve. I would be honoured to hear your thoughts on my story and writing, the good, the bad and the ugly, all are welcome and appreciated.
Once again a BIG THANK YOU to all my readers who read this story AND A SINCERE APOLOGY to those who waited all this time in hopes I'd finish it.
Yours truly,
your author - Abeer
Those of you who have journeyed with Arnav and Khushi in my fan fiction here and stuck it out till the end a sincere, heartfelt thank you to you all! A writer is nothing without its' readers and so I am truly grateful to you all for giving my fan fiction a chance (pun intended ;)) It has happened only due to you all.
But my biggest gratitude is to those readers who have stuck it out with me from the beginning, it could not have been easy, I know, considering after the initial updates I disappeared for a long, long time and I cannot apologise enough to you all who have returned to finish the final chapters of this fan fiction, because I indeed failed you guys, in promising to update and complete this story soon, I did not manage to and left you all hanging. As an avid reader myself, I understand the frustration of an unfinished story well and I unwillingly did that, I am very much your criminal and I apologise for it, for keeping you from the ending this long (7 years if my maths is correct) my deepest apologies to you all. What happened? Why it took me so long? Are questions I really don't have answers to, all I can say is life happened and my writing unfortunately had to take a back seat, and rot in guilt there until now when I finally managed to come back, finish and update it all.
I hope you found this story enjoyable and if not please let me know, criticisms are always welcome as they tell me where I need to improve. I would be honoured to hear your thoughts on my story and writing, the good, the bad and the ugly, all are welcome and appreciated.
Once again a BIG THANK YOU to all my readers who read this story AND A SINCERE APOLOGY to those who waited all this time in hopes I'd finish it.
Yours truly,
your author - Abeer